Apa itu C.I.N.T.A??
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pepohon Cintaku kian merimbun
Semakin dicantas makin bertunas
Tidak mampu mendustai hatiku
Rasa cinta fitrah manusia

Siapalah aku menolak cinta
Yang hadir dijiwa tanpa dipaksa
Hidup ini tidak akan sempurna
Tanpa Cinta dari Tuhan yg Esa...

-Kalimah Cinta (inteam)
Inni Akhofullah(Sesungguhnya Aku Takutkan Allah)

Akan ku lari jauh-jauh untuk menghindarkan diri
Kerna aku takut akan seksaan dari Tuhanku...

Sukarnya diriku mengerti dirimu pada nilai dan harga diri
Apa yg ku tahu diriku teruji dgn keanggunan wajahmu
Andai dikau menjelma kubagai x berdaya
bergetar naluri dihati
lambaian sang bidadari kaburi mata ini

Ku menjauh...tak mahu ku tempuhi
Perjalanan yang suram ini
Ku menjauh...daripada ku teruji
Apa yang tidak pasti..

-Inni Akhofullah (Mirwana)


Destinasi Cinta - Mestica


Menyingkap tirai hati
Mengintai keampunan
Di halaman subur rahmat-Mu, Tuhan
Tiap jejak nan bertapak
Debu kejahilan
Akan ku jirus dengan madu keimanan

Tak ternilai airmata dengan permata
Yang bisa memadamkan api neraka
Andai benar mengalir dari nasuha nurani
Tak kan berpaling pada palsu duniawi

Destinasi cinta yang ku cari
Sebenarnya terlalu hampir
Hanya kabur kerana dosa di dalam hati
Telah ku redah daerah cinta
Yang lahir dari wadah yang alpa
Tiada tenang ku temui
Hanya kecewa menyelubungi

Ku gelintar segenap maya
Dambakan sebutir hakikat
Untuk ku semai menjadi sepohon makrifat
Moga dapat ku berteduh di rendang kasih-Mu

Namun ranjaunya tidak akan sunyi
Selagi denyut nadi belum berhenti
Durjana syaitan kan cuba menodai
Segumpal darah bernama hati

(Destinasi cinta Ilahi)

Lestarikan wadi kalbuku, oh Tuhanku
Leraikan aku dari pautan nafsu
Biarpun sukar bagiku melamar redha-Mu
Namun masihku mengharap ampunan-Mu
Wahai Tuhanku? Ya Allah?

Bliss Vs Sorrow...
Monday, September 28, 2009

Salams everyone! Hows holidays and eid goin?.. it must be fun.. it had been ages since i didnt have eid back in my country. but i guess ive gotta move on mate.. like seriously. i cant be clinging into the past and wishing that it will come true.. its not gonna happen anymore UNLESS.. ehem2.. nothing..

Oh well ive gotta go to school today but i was too exhausted n had a massive headache inthe morning therefore i didnt go.. another bludge.. i shud be studying instead on facebooking n blogging lol.. but not in the mood AGAIN.. OMG wat shud i do??? wat happened to my NEW REVOLUTION??? ARRGGHH!

Yesterday's open house was great alhamdulillah. even though i was very exhausted, it was enjoyable. For the first time in 4years, my friends came to my house for eid as well as for a visit.. I never had anyone come to my house to visit me in specific lol.. But alhamdulillah they enjoyed it and im grateful. There were 10 of them. Although i expected more to come but Alhamdulillah. Thanks guys for coming!! =)

But deep down i feel sorrowful.. hmm dont really noe why.. actually there is something that is bothering me.. im trying to get over it and get rid of it..

Hmm mcm dah lupa raye kat singapore mcm ne.. adelah org2 kate singapore raye best.. tapi ape best nye x tau lah.. but for me, kalau ade family alhamdulillah.. kene play around lah kan.. kalau masuk kandang kambing mengembik, kalau masuk kandang lembu menguak (bkn mengembu eh).. kalau masuk kandang harimau... manelah harimau ade kandang hahahaha... ok back tu story.. aku rase aku kene mentally prepared to change n adjust myself.. btul jgk makin kite balik makin kite asyik nk balik.. ape kate org dah ade momentum.. (ish physics) lebih baik x balik.. tapi sgt2 nk balik bkn sbb family tapi sbb youth programs.. rindu sgt2 camp2 motivasi.. takpelah blm masenye kot.

Seindah Lebaran.. Kembali kepada Fitrah..
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Diambang Syawal...

Sampai masanya Aidilfitri bertamu
Diruang waktu bagai biduk lalu
Disamudera kalbu lalu kiambang
Persaudaraan bertaut semula..

Terciptalah kemaafan Terukir keampunan
Pada yang berkasih sayang kerana Tuhan
Takkan lama ianya terpisah
Bertaut di hari raya..
- adaptasi dari album Semulia ramadhan Seindah Lebaran

Salams! Eid Mubarak to everyone! Selamat Hari Raya!
Taqabbalallahu Minna wa minkum!! Maaf Lahir dan Bathin..

Hmm tahun ni raye mcm mendak ckit kot.. x tau knp.. mungkin kak imah xde ataupon mmg mendak hehe.. xdelah plan2 nk kemana.. tapi semua buat last minute je.. penat lah jgk sehari actually 3hari berturut2 jln2 rayer.. penat tau walaupon duk kat kereta dah tu makan je hehehe =p.. sempatlah jgk msg kwn2 disini dan nun jauh disana ucapkan frasa2 kemenangan..

Tahun ni rayer pon byk lain makcik2 n bdk2 kot hahaha.. especially dpt kidnap bdk cute Jannah Iman!! ke hulur ke hilir aku bawak dia.. sampai sekali tu ade org tanyer.. ni anaknye brape tahun?? hahahaha tergelak aku.. ade rupe ibu2 ke?? kikiki.. Ish bahaye ni.. jgn cari pasal..

Mulanye solat kat padang barry rd dahtu ke hall.. dahtu berkunjungan mcm biase.. tapi rase mcm something missing.. x tau ape dia.. x rase puas.. ni nk kene muhasabah diri balik ni.. =(
apepun alhamdulillah balik dgn perut yg kenyang hehe..

Rayer kali ni pon nmpk 2 saudara yg ade conflict bertaut semula.. sampai mcm nk nangis tgk dorg nangis.. last year pon same ade org lain. skrg alhamdulillah sume dah resolved. Hari raya jgk dorg berbaik.. yelah takkan nk bawak sampai ke akhirat kan? jgn lah tanggung bende2 yg dah tertangguh ni.. itulah indahnye lebaran.. selain asyik kene usik je dgn makcik2 'seri pengantin'.. ish sungguh x patut.. hehehe
oklah rasenye dah penat nk beraya tapi xhabis lagi ni.. apelah org melayu, agama tu simple je.. raye sehari. knp kite sambut sebulan?? sgt2 x patut.. apekan daye~~~~

Akhir kalam... Ampun & maaf dipinta kepada semua yg pernah disakiti, yg tersinggung, diumpat, dicaci, dihina dan perkara2 yg tdk disengajakan.. Mohon dgn sgt diampunkan.. x nk kene jumpe kat akhirat nanti. settle kat sini jelah ye.. x mau settle kat akhirat.. lagi dahsyat nanti..

Maafkan saja segala sengketa lama
Yang membeku dijiwa
Dibulan yang mulia
Hari yang Bahagia
Moga ukhuwwah terjalin selamanya...

Signing off.. Umaiz90

Wonderful Day.. =) Indahnya Halawatul Imaan..
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whenever u r down, whenever u feel lonely, whenever your mind is scattered... Suddenly this verse flash through your mind..

" And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad pbuh) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright."
Al-Baqarah : 186

Remembering this verse you feel like Allah is talking to you. You are never alone. He constantly watching you, supporting you, giving you everything that u need not that everything u want.

"And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." AL-BAqarah: 216

We are indeed humans are incapable of judging wat is the best for ourselves when we have no guidance in life.. We are pathetically weak beings to the extend that we need others even that we are dead. therefore we can never say that we can live by ourselves and we dont need anyone. Whoever says that, he or she indeed a LIAR.

Hence let us all reflect on our deeds and doings that may affect others and ourselves, and try to change for the better. Afterall, we need examples and guidance.
Imagining a first year biomed student entering a laboratory.. with her lab manuals. Altho she has her lab manuals, she still needs her demontrators to assist her to complete her practicals in an orderly manner as required. Same goes to us.
Although we have the Quraan and we are Alhamdulillah Muslims. We still need guidance from our Lord and examples from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to show us how to become a TRUE MUSLIM inshaAllah, a servant most BELOVED to Allah.

Thats abt it for introduction. Hope u learnt something from it
Wassalam.. =) PEACE!!

Ahlan Wa Sahlan!! Wa Marhaban Bikum!!
The Seeker of Truth..

Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..;DD

Welcome to my life!

Alhamdulillah, indeed i am suprised that I actually created a blog my first ever blog hahaha.. it sounds pretty awkward but its true. Now, Lets open up your hearts and mind.. free ur thoughts and imagination.. Blogging is just one of the medium that we can express our feelings and thoughts.. sharing our knowledge with others as well as sharing our concerns towards others...

"O Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa[ie he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious). Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, Well Acquainted(with all things)."

Hope You ENJOY IT!! =)

Give ur SaLaaMs HeRe!!

A PiLLaR oF DeeN..

AshdiQa'i Wa AQaaRiBi
OuR JouRNeY oF LiFe..

Marliyana aka Kak Marl
Khairunnisa aka Adikz
Mokhsin aka Abg Mokhsin
Zuhaily aka Zul
Zaim nuriman aka eman
Faiz Rashdi aka Faiz Medic
Fauziyatul Ashikin aka Kak Shiken Eng
Kampung Utara Melbourne
Kampung Utara Melbourne Muslimah

WRiTTeN MeMoir..
gone with the wind

September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011

take a bow


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